Dear Student of the Word,
Well, here goes--my first attempt to send the weekly Bible studies through this new blog site and Feedblitz service. To unsubscribe, simply click on the link below if you receive these updates automatically. If you would like to subscribe or send a gift subscriptions, look to the right of this post (on the actual site), enter the email address and then respond to the confirmation email you will receive.
The worrisome part is attaching the study file, which is usually eight pages in length. I am concerned whether this will come through, so bear with me as I learn how to do this. The study should be at the end of this entry.
If you receive this study automatically, you can go to the Bible study site and add your comments and insights to the week's study for all to see (look at the end of each entry and click on comments). I urge you to do this and add to the value of these studies. You can also email me any thoughts you may have.
You can find the first two studies in this First Corinthian series on my website in case you missed them. In the attached study for this week, I wrote:
v. 16 -- The "you" here is plural. We are each living stones built into a temple of God. What's more, God's Spirit lives in us, not just in each person. So there is a collective reality and presence of God that can only come about through people when they assemble together to worship and release the dynamic of the Spirit. There are some who have withdrawn from church attendance for various reasons. There is no doubt that they can worship God on their own, but that isn't the only expressions of worship that God commands. Plus, God created us so that a body dynamic would be released when we come together.
We can't even pick and choose who we will be joined to in this Temple. That is God's decision. Otherwise we would probably choose those who made us feel comfortable or with whom we had something in common. It's God's house and He builds it as He wishes. Are you in a local church? If not, examine your reasons why. Are your reasons endorsed by Scripture? If they aren't, then you need to re-examine why you aren't in a local fellowship.
Remember that all the studies from Hebrews, Revelation, James, Peter, Acts, Thessalonians, Luke, Ephesians, Romans, Galatians and Philippians along with The Faith Files can also be found in their entirety on my website.
Here is this week's study: Download 1_corinthians_study_3.doc
Technorati Tags: 1 Corinthians, Bible study, church attendance
Congratulations on your new distribution service. The study was at the bottom of your e-mail (as expected). Thank you for your devotion to spreading the gospel excellently, consistently and frequently. God bless you.
Posted by: Zanorashe | April 18, 2006 at 07:13 AM
I am writing from Kenya. This is a very important lesson to the church today-especially in my country. Christians should wake up and realise that we need to bond and appreciate one another despite our diversities in order to accomplish the great commission. God bless you immensely for the insights.
Posted by: Jane Kamenwa | April 26, 2006 at 05:56 AM
this website is just soo powerful Dr John n this is a sign for you that God answers prayers !!! faithful he is
Posted by: shingirai | April 30, 2006 at 04:42 PM