Dear Student of the Word,
It's time for another dose of Corinthians! This week's study takes us up to chapter 14, which means we have only a few weeks left before we start 2 Corinthians. But there is much to look at in these last chapters. This week we look at Paul's famous discourse on love in chapter 13 and the move into a study of what he had to say about tongues and prophecy. Paul was so practical, and was always looking to help the church be more effective in their public meetings and daily walk. I hope that you have the same goal in what you do. This week I wrote:
Bear with my application of verses 14:7-8 for a moment. Clarity is essential for effectiveness. If you can't clearly describe who you are and what your purpose is, then no one will rally to your cause. I have heard people describe their purpose in this manner: "Well, it's sort of like, you know, helping people, but it's not me but Jesus who is sort of working with the people to bring them some sort of assistance." What does that mean? How could someone respond to that and say, "Oh, I see. Could you please help me?" it won't happen.
So are you clear about what you are supposed to do? Is your organization clear? Can you state it simply and in just a few words? Or are you blowing a trumpet, producing an unclear sound, and wondering why things aren't happening for you? Is your company or ministry trying to be everything to everyone? When that happens, you lose any chance to be profitable or effective.
Now let's return to Paul's meaning. If you are involved in a church, are your public meetings effective? Do people leave confused or clear? Are they edified or bored? Do they feel like they've heard from the Lord or are they just fulfilling their duty of going to church?
People often say to me, "I enjoyed your message." I sometimes respond, "Thank you and then ask, "What did I say?" I want to see if I have been clear and whether or not I connected with the listeners. It isn't enough that people enjoyed my style, humor or delivery. I want to know if they heard and understood me. Otherwise I may be making an unclear sound that isn't capable of moving people in the direction that the Lord has chosen. Does this make sense? Are you clear? If not, then your ability to help people using your gifts and your love for them are both hindered and ineffective.
Remember that the Bible study archives of 13 other New Testament studies can be found on my website along with The Faith Files. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the link below (if you receive this through Feedblitz). You can give a gift subscription by going to the site where these studies are posted every week. And please feel free to post your own comments, insights, and questions at the same site (just click on the word at the "comments" at the bottom of this post).
Here is this week's study: Download 1_corinthians_study_11.doc
Thanks for the bible study material was just meditating on the concept oflove in chapter 13 of 1st Corinthians,the bible talks of God being love and we being created in the image of God thus should exhibit the qualities of God as portrayed in the text that is instead of love being this and that as some sort of self-examination put your name there and see whether you really represent God. Read Proverbs 27:19.
Posted by: Michael Ojudi | June 29, 2006 at 10:05 AM