Dear Student of the Word,
I am busy for the next week, away from my hotel from morning till night. So before it becomes impossible to do so, I had better send you this week's Bible study. No matter how busy we are, we must make every effort to stay close to God's word. I trust that these studies helpy you do just that.
In our study this week, Paul continued to educate the Corinthians about life and practices in a local church. They obviously had some kind of problem around the communion rite, and then Paul moved on to a discussion of spiritual gifts. This week I wrote:
v. 8 -- The first two gifts that Paul mentioned were wisdom and knowledge. I have always considered knowledge to be special understanding and insight into some truth, like the grace of God, church government, administration, or prayer. I have then considered wisdom knowing how to apply those special insights. For example, I have knowledge about purpose, but I meet with many people to give them wisdom of how to apply the purpose principles to their lives at any specific point in time.
Furthermore, I think that knowledge is something you study to obtain and wisdom is something that you seek from God. While the Spirit is the source of both, both require cooperation from the recipient. Are you doing your part to be the recipient of God's spiritual gifts? Are you using those gifts in ways that will glorify Him?
Remember that the Bible study archives of 13 other New Testament studies can be found on my website along with The Faith Files. You can unsubscribe by clicking on the link below (if you receive this through Feedblitz). You can give a gift subscription by going to the site where these studies are posted every week. And please feel free to post your own comments, insights, and questions at the same site (just click on the word at the "comments" at the bottom of this post).
Here is this week's study: Download 1_corinthians_study_10.doc
Bless you John,
Life can get so busy at times and it feels as if time is running away, I now realise that it's at these times when you have to stop and re-evaluate your life and most importantly your relationship with God and how this can be developed. However, when there is so much to achieve in life your bound to get busy, but we need to keep it in perspective.
Posted by: Phil | July 03, 2006 at 08:27 AM