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September 13, 2006



Sharing your faith online is a great place to start. However I smemtioes wonder how impactful that is when the relationships aren't there with your readers. In real life, we go to where the people are and share with Christ with them, or we build relationships with friends and neighbors and share Christ with them. I don't think it's much different online. Readers are more likely to listen to you if they have some kind of relationship with you through your blog. And, just like going to where the people are in person, we can visit forums, other blogs, and other communities that are predominantly unreached. Get to know those people and offer them hope in Christ.Putting your faith on your blog is a GREAT idea! I just think if you are truly wanting to reach people online it may not be enough. If 96% people are not Christians then God may be asking us to do more than build a blog and hope they'll come.Just a thought.

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