Dear Student of the Word,
Are you staying the Word? That's what these studies are designed to help you do. I cover just four verses a day and I am surprised how much I learn every day. I try to make each day's quota practical, asking you questions that will help you apply what you are reading and studying.
Mark's gospel is full of nonstop action. This week, we take a look at several instances where the Jewish leaders tried to trap Jesus in a mis-statement because Jesus had made the leaders look bad. Before we get to that story, however, I wrote this about leadership.
vs. 31&32 -- Just a simple question, but it stumped the experts. By what authority did John do what he had done? If they said heaven's authority, then they were condemning themselves for disobedience. If they answered that John did what he did from the authority of men, then the people would rise up against them.
Here again we see that the people were more spiritual than their so-called leaders! They knew John was a prophet, while the leaders held that he was not. Why do we continually maintain that somehow our leaders are automatically more spiritual, intelligent or insightful than those who follow? When I was on church staff, I told the people that I was a member who happened to be employed by the church. I was not on staff because I was somehow superior in any way to those who were not. I have an obligation to get skilled and wise in the things of God after I am called, but I am not called because I am skilled or wise in the things of God. Does that make sense?
Leaders serve because it is a calling, not because they are better than others. The calling equips them to do their work, not their inherent talent or insight.
Feel free to add your comments to any part of this study on the site where it is posted.
Download this week's study: Mark Study 17.doc
I have a question about this scripture:
25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
Is Jesus referring to the spiritually dead (those not born again) or the dead physical bodies of the born again believers who have died? Or both??
This is my musing on this so far:
Is Jesus making a distiction between those who are spiritually dead (not born again) & die...there is a resurrection of the dead in Revelation? Jesus speaks frequently about those who are in Him have everlasting life; their souls live forever & their bodies are resurrected to assume places of authority when Jesus returns to earth. When we are born again, I understand that we are elevated to poistions of authority over those of the angels.(cf: Hebrews 1)
Hopefully, I'm not making more of this that is intended.
Any insight from others is welcomed!
Posted by: Karan | July 13, 2007 at 10:42 AM