Dear Student of the Word,
It's been a few weeks once again since you've had a study, but technical challenges, lack of Internet and electricity here in Zimbabwe and my schedule all worked against posting this installment. That's all past history, however, and I am glad to be back in touch.
In this week's study, I wrote:
10:24 -- Jesus was talking about the rich in this verse. I asked in previous studies and I will ask again: Do you own your stuff or does your stuff own you? One of the problems with being rich is that it requires so much money and effort to keep the riches. You need attorneys, accountants, advisers and investment counselors. That can take a lot of time and energy away from the kingdom of God!
What is the kingdom of God? Simply put, it is God's government in your life and the life of the body of people of which you are a part. It is the visible expression of God's rule in your life. Money can interfere with God's authority and supremacy, for He wants to direct you to use and distribute your wealth as He sees fit, not as your advisers see fit.
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Download this week's study: Download mark_study_15.doc