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May 06, 2010


Jim Jones

About year ago, God showed me that discord among the family is the devil's work. So much good can be undone with one bad incident handled improperly. Recently I was asked to come between two brothers that have had differences. Neither of them seemed willing to forgive the other for wrongs done to each. I prayed for them and discussed how important it was to keep the "unity in the faith" for everybody including those not involved. I watched as this virus spread to others around them and realized Satan was having a ball. There is another issues concerning 3 individuals that has been going on for a while now. I am saddened to see this but happy to report that one of the men is mindful of "unity in the faith." He is handling the situation well even though I believe he is getting the short end of the stick. In the final analysis, Almighty God will judge who is right and set things right. The cool thing about this second situation is that it is not spreading like the first, at least in part to the way one brother is handling it.

For my own consideration in the past, I was one that liked to stir up strife (I am sinful) but by God's grace I have learned that it is best to quietly pray in these situations and if called, to discuss it privately with the parties involved. Many will come around and inquire as to what is going on. Most will just want to know with no other purpose in mind. But some will want to know just to gossip about it making things worse. A few will use the disguise of 'I just want to pray for them.' In the end, God knows the intent of our heart which should cause a holy fear to well up inside and cause us to ask ourselves what is the best thing to do to glorify our God in this situation.

Thank you Lord for teaching me, never giving up on me, and changing me to be more like you. You, my loving Savior, have removed my evil desire to be a busy body or to inquire of others in the body that are at odds with someone. You have taught me to quietly pray for those brothers and sisters having differences with each other.

Grace and Peace,
Jim Jones

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