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February 25, 2011


Prt Killian

Liked the study. Felt encouraged & enlightened. If possible add more information eg historic background, revelations etc. Balance btwn preaching and study. Avoid biased statments, eg ' i hope u are not so, ' but continue to encourage transformation in love. I luv u.

Sam Allgood

John, I very much agree with you on the 'waiting' issue but encounter many who are 'waiting' for something and not doing what they have been told to do.

The parable of the faithful servants of whom Jesus said the master commended with 'well done, good and faithful servant' (Matt 25: 14-30) shows an unexpected honor given. Rather than honoring those servants for obedience (He hadn't told them exactly what to do, he simply 'entrusted his possessions to them'), he honored them for taking initiative and investing those possessions in ways they knew to be consistent with his values (some assumptions made there). He rebuked the one who hid what he was given by calling him wicked and lazy and taking away what he had been given.

I wish more believers would quit hiding what the Lord has given them and invest them in God's kingdom instead.

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