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December 29, 2011


Alicia Nygaard Formagus

I have a teaching on this passage of Acts and another facet of the story is that Eutycus was a YOUNG man...young in the Lord. The reason he fell asleep is b.c. he did was not to the point of spiritual growth and development (according to the tabernacle model and 1 John 2) to hear the VOICE within Paul's voice. He was not ready for the 3rd level of REVELATION that Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. That is why he fell to the ground but because of Jesus and God's grace, it was not a fatal mistake. Isn't God gracious and AMAZING!!! Thank you for reminding me of this passage!!! Good stuff!!!

Kim Fleming

Paul's heart for God was he concerned everything rubbish compared to knowing Christ. Are we willing to die for the cause of Christ? I believe when that answer is yes we really begin to live. thanks for the great study! Happy New year!!!

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