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July 21, 2012



HI Dr. J,

I like your point that deception is a real possibility...the attacks of Satan that i have had made me realize this and to keep on guard against this, i pray each day 139:23-24 "Search me, oh God, know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! and see if there is any grievous way in me"...we need to be guarded by what we think, are we hating others? God tells us when we do that the love of God is not in us, so we are walking with the devil, (so to speak) when we do that...are we forgiving others? if we don't Jesus tells us we won't be forgiven...which means we are in sin and separated from God and again walking with the devil...i could go on and on because we judge others, we give good only to get something back, we don't love our enemies and pray for them like Jesus tells us and we treat each other with secret pride and whose the greatest. We are in a battle and we act so casual (another deception).

Another point you make is that we spend so much on today's buildings instead of missions because we are to win the lost as Jesus is coming soon!

That is good advice, thanks and God bless you, your family and ministry to the lost and broken people of this world.

We are to find our rest in him (Psalm 62:1) and what he thinks of us and it doesn't matter what others think of us because we stand on the finished work of Christ and his righteousness. Others are not going to say "well done, my good and faithful servant", only Jesus will say that, so we have him to please not others.


your sister in Christ,


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