Dear Student of the Word,
After this week, we have only 8 more chapters to cover in our Revelation study, and then I will be ready to publish. In our last installment, we looked at the symbolism of the number 666 and this week we start out looking at the verses immediately following that discuss another sign on foreheads, this time of those who believe. Here is what I wrote about Revelation 14:1, with the study of the entire fourteenth chapter at the bottom of this post:
1Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.
14:1 – When we ended chapter 13, we looked at the concept of the mark of the beast in 13:17. There has been much speculation about that one verse mentioning the sign 666. Yet the writer quickly returned the focus to the Lamb, where it should be. Where is your focus, on the mark of the beast or on the mark of the Lamb?
There were no chapters or verses in the original manuscript. Therefore, John saw the Lamb immediately after the warning about the beast. The central theme of Revelation is the ongoing and ultimate victory of God in Christ. The focus was not to be the beast, the dragon, or the antichrist.
There was a company of 144,000 standing with Christ on Mt. Zion. They too had a mark on their forehead. Why isn’t anyone speculating about what this mark is? They are not because most believe it is a spiritual symbol and not a literal mark. Then why would the mark of the beast be a literal mark? It makes no sense if we follow this logic of the mark of the Lamb not being a literal marking.
There also aren’t literally 144,000 who are “saved” and standing with the Lamb. That number is also symbolic. I have tried not to get immersed in the meaning of numbers in this commentary, but must in this instance. The number 144,000 is 12 times 12 times 10 times 10 times 10 – two 12s and three 10s. All those numbers – twelve, three, and ten – have a positive meaning and implication, so the number 144,000 represents the totality of God’s government on earth representing the full number of the saved community.
Jesus had promised He would not lose one of the sheep who are entrusted to Him, and this image in Revelation depicts an assembly where “all are present and accounted for.” Jesus’ power is not limited to save only a few but all who put their faith and trust in Him for salvation.
Since the 144,000 are standing on Mt. Zion, a location on earth, the number would seem to represent the entire Church or the number of people who are saved on the earth at any one time. It is not a literal census, but a picture of the fact that all are saved in every generation who put their faith in Jesus.
God’s name is written on my forehead. He is always in front of me and on my mind. When I look at myself closely, I am reminded to look at Him. When I get too into myself, I am reminded to think about Him.
As always, I welcome your comments to this week's study. For additional Bible studies, check out my website archive, which contains a complete collection of all my verse-by-verse New Testament studies, along with the daily devotional entitled Your Life Matters: Daily Reflections from the Book of Psalms. Thank you and soon I will begin sending you my edited studies from James' epistle. After that, we will only have the book of Revelation to complete before the entire New Testament is on the site where this study is posted.