Dear Student of the Word,
I was editing my work on Luke preparing it for publication and was ministered to by what I read and edited. I came back from Kenya and invested most of my money to help the people there and thus had very little here for my own needs. I was reading what I wrote in Luke 12 and it helped me so I thought I would share it with you to give you an idea of what my commentaries look like and how they are formatted. I start out with a passage and then make comments about every verse in that passage (they are devotional in nature, so the questions to help you apply what you read are all in bold). Here is what I wrote from Luke 12 that spoke to me, even though I wrote it:
35“Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak. 39But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
12:35&36 – Earlier we read how Jesus exhorted His disciples to store up treasures in heaven through generosity. Before that, we read Jesus story of the man who built bigger barns to hold his “stuff,” only to die and be required to give an account. Jesus urged His followers to be in a state of readiness where heaven and death were concerned. It is a dangerous attitude that “I have time yet to do what God wants me to do. I can get serious about God later.” Your “later” may be tomorrow. None of us knows how much time we really have remaining.
Jesus uses the analogy of household servants who aren’t sure when their master will return from a wedding feat, but they know it could be at any time. Therefore, they are ready and waiting, even though they aren’t sure of the exact hour he will arrive. That is what our attitude should be in regard to the Lord’s return or our death. We must be preparing for either of those events.
12:37 – For those who have this attitude and have stored up treasures in heaven for such a day, the Master will honor them: “I will repay each of you according to your deeds” (Revelation 2:23). God repays all His “debts.” If He promised to reward or repay, He will do it, if not in this lifetime, then the one to come. Do you believe this? If you do, then what are you doing about it? Try this: Pray and ask God if there is anything you have that you need to give away. Afraid to pray that? Then perhaps your treasure owns you instead of the other way around.
On one occasion, I struggled over giving away some books in my library. Can you imagine that I was attached to some books? Another time I struggled to give away my coin collection. A few old pennies found their way into my heart and attached themselves there, producing greed. How about your time? Do you jealously guard your “space” even if someone else has a need or your church needs it? Is that a form of greed? Could you give your time away and thus store up treasures in heaven?
12:38 – We don’t know when the Lord “will come” for us. This could be my last day on earth, so I must be in a state and mindset of readiness. Are you? Are you talking about where you will go or what you will give “one day”? I know of people who won’t give $5 because they can’t give $50. They lose the benefit that a $5 gift could bring them because they lament that the gift can’t be larger. Is that you? Then give the $5 today and store up treasure in heaven. You have no time to lose.
12:39&40 – We must be ready to meet the Lord at any time. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Someone to whom you need to express your love? Is there some place you must go? Something you must do? Then take action today. You don’t know how long you have, so act like your time is short. I hope your time here is long, but act like the opposite is true.
Here is how you can access all my material, all of which is laid out and presented as above:
1. Every Bible study from every New Testament book is available to you free of charge on my Bible study blog or my website.
2. I have published six of those studies in book format (both paper and electronic):
Just click on any of the titles above and you will go to the Amazon link where you can purchase or download your copy. I am currently working on preparing Luke, as you saw above, for publication, and I hope to have all 12 volumes out by the end of 2019.
I may write more devotionals in the near future, and I will send you what I produce. In the meantime, I urge you to use my studies as a reference for you study the Word of God for preaching, teaching, or meditation purposes. If you have any questions or testimonies to share, please don't hesitate to send them to me at [email protected].
May God open your eyes to learn wonderful things from His word as you invest the time and effort to study and learn.