This Purpose Study Bible series is examining the Old Testament to see where the five Goldmine Principles are discussed or mentioned. Those five principles are purpose, creativity, goal setting, time management, and faith. In this week's lesson, we see faith, principle number five, in Deuteronomy 18:
"The Levitical priests—indeed, the whole tribe of Levi—are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel. They shall live on the food offerings presented to the Lord, for that is their inheritance. They shall have no inheritance among their fellow Israelites; the Lord is their inheritance, as he promised them" (Deuteronomy 18:1-2).
While all the other tribes received a land grant to distribute among themselves, the Levites who tended the tabernacle and temple received no such allotment. They were to live off the worship offerings the people brought to sacrifice. In other words, they were living by faith in God that He would provide enough for them and their families through the work they did for the Lord.
Now you're part of a kingdom or nation of priests and the same is true for you. While the Lord may use a company or government to pay you, He doesn't need one and you aren't to see them as your source. You're not to give your time and gifts to the highest bidder without considering how God wants you to steward the gifts and time He has given you. Just like the Levites, you're to do God's work and He, who knows what you need, will bring the provision however He chooses to do so—through the place you work or some other means.
Are you following in the steps of the Levites and trusting God for your provision? Are you doing the work for the kingdom of God you need to do or are you saying you're too busy to do that work because you have a "job"? Where have you put your faith in an earthly institution to meet your needs instead of the Lord? (Again, God may use that institution but they are not your source; He is.) God owns the earth with the cattle on a thousand hills and He's capable of meeting your needs as you do His work—if you will simply trust Him to do so.