This is the final verse in the book of Joshua and it wasn't even about Joshua himself:
And Eleazar son of Aaron died and was buried at Gibeah, which had been allotted to his son Phinehas in the hill country of Ephraim (Joshua 24:33).
And that's it. No conclusion, no summary, no final words. We are simply told that first Joshua died, then Joseph's remains were buried in his tribe's land, and then Eleazar died.
When you think of it, your life isn't very long when compared to the rest of creation. The rocks that were here in Abraham's time are still here. The water of the oceans has been recycled again and again from their inception. And then for contrast there are people, and James described our tenure on earth as follows: "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14).
While it is good to plan and have goals, it's also good to keep them in perspective. One day, they will come to an end as will you. So what's it all about? It's about making a difference while you're here and then passing on to your existence in the next life.
Do you live like your days are numbered (because they are)? Are you making the most of your days? You must have a purpose for you're still here but one day, like Eleazar and Joshua and Joseph, you won't be. Are you maximizing your time and impact? The good news is that while the book of Joshua ends rather unceremoniously, the narrative continues and the people move on as we learn in the first verses of the next book:
After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the Lord, “Who of us is to go up first to fight against the Canaanites?” The Lord answered, “Judah shall go up; I have given the land into their hands" (Judges 1:1-2).
Determine to make a difference in the days you have left, but also be ready to face your own mortality, having left a purposeful mark in the days God has given you.