After the people came into the Land and Joshua died, God was with them until they decided to no longer be loyal or obedient to Him:
After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals (Judges 2:10-11).
When the people strayed, God gave them into the hands of their local enemies. Yet God had promised to help His people even when they wandered, and He kept His promise.
Then the Lord raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders (Judges 2:16).
God raised up men and women called judges to lead and deliver the people. Not just anyone could fulfill this role but only those who God "raised up." This indicates that one person and only that person can make a difference according to their God-assigned purpose, just like those judges did. Therefore, it matters who does and says what, for their actions and words are empowered and sanctioned through God's presence. One person can make a difference.
That's the reason it's important for you to be who God made you to be and do what He wants you to do. No one else can take your place. If you don't create it, it won't be created. If you don't start it, it won't get started. What is your unique purpose? What creative gifts do you have? Do you take them seriously or consider them something you will get around to expressing one day?
This is no time to be passive or to think that it doesn't matter if you don't do something that's in your heart to do. It does and you do—matter and make a difference. So get busy taking the place only you can take in the plan and economy of God. People's welfare, edification, and even salvation are depending on it.