Deborah was a prophet and leader in Israel who played a significant role in the defeat of one of Israel's oppressors name Sisera. She advised Barak, one of the judges, to attack their enemies and encouraged him with these words;
Then Deborah said to Barak, “Go! This is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?” (Numbers 4:14).
God had "gone ahead of" Barak, having already delivered Sisera into his hands. In other words. God had given His people the victory but they still had to walk out the actions necessary to realize that victory. The same is true for you.
Whatever God has directed you to do, He has already "gone ahead" of you to ensure your success. However, just like in this story, you're going to have to exert yourself to see it happen. If God has assured you that you'll write a book, He'll see that it's produced, but you have to write it. If He wants you to participate in a missions trip, He'll go before you to ensure your success, but you'll have to raise the money, get on a plane, go to where He wants you to do, and then once you're there do what He wants you to do. You won't be taking God there; He's already gone before you.
Where are you waiting on God to do what only you can do? He'll help you learn a language but you'll have to invest the time to study and practice. Where has God's promise of success caused you to be passive, waiting on the Lord, while He's waiting on you? Waiting on God isn't inaction, but rather taking appropriate steps that will ensure you are equipped to finalize and realize what God has promised. Where are you waiting to receive something from God in one place while He has promised to give it to you in another? God isn't just the God of your final breakthrough, but also the God of where and how you'll receive that breakthrough.
God has promised you the victory, but you have a role to play in it. Don't be fooled into thinking it's all God and none of you. You must play an active role in anything if you want to come into whatever God has prepared for you.