The Lord suddenly and without notice appeared to Gideon, announcing that he was the vessel God had chosen to deliver the people from the Midianites.
Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. Please do not go away until I come back and bring my offering and set it before you.” And the Lord said, “I will wait until you return” (Judges 6:17-18).
Gideon wasn't expecting to be promoted at the time, so he asked for a sign that it was really the Lord who was speaking to and directing him. So he set off to prepare an offering, to which the angel of the Lord responded, "I will wait until you return." God was willing to wait for Gideon and He's willing to wait for you.
You see, God's choice and call are sovereign and irrevocable. Yes, He may find someone else if you refuse, but they won't do what God wanted like you can. Their gifts, experience, and perspective are not the same—they can never be the same—so God waits for you because you are the only one who can do it like you.
So in what area is God waiting for you? Is He waiting for you to write the book, learn the language, take the trip, start the business? He's willing to wait and He is will to confirm His purpose for you, but you still at some point need to cooperate. Has he confirmed His will for you, perhaps on multiple occasions, yet you still procrastinate?
The good news in this story is that Gideon did return, God did confirm His will, and Gideon accepted God's call to lead. Now you have a decision to make. Will you do the same as Gideon or will you keep God waiting for you to return when you are ready to face your fears and accept your creative purpose? It's up to you.