Dear Student of the Word,
May I have a drum roll, please? I present to you the final installment of our Mark study! This represents the 18th book in the New Testament for which I have completed a study. One day they will be published for all the world to read, but for right now, I am honored that you are the recipient. I think we will study Second Timothy next.
This week, I wrote:
v. 13 -- The disciples' hearts were so hard that they rejected a second testimony that Jesus was alive. Once again, I caution you not to be too hard on them, for in all probability you have done the same thing. You don't believe me? Then ask God to show you where you have hardened your heart to what He can do. Is there any promise that God has given you to which you have perhaps become calloused or hard?
I have found in my own life I sing the words, "nothing is too difficult for You, Lord" and then act like everything is too difficult for Him. Is there some area of your life where you are stuck and can't seem to make progress? Is there something that you have said for years that you wanted to do or that God wanted you to do that you haven't done yet? Are you truly waiting on the Lord or is your heart hardened to what God can do?
ou can add your comments to this installment, view past studies in Corinthians, Timothy or Mark, or subscribe to receive these weekly emails on the site where this entry is posted.
Download this week's study: Mark Study 24.doc
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