Dear Student of the Word,
I apologize that it's been two weeks since my last update. Life on the road can be busy. Without further ado, however, I present the 14th study in our Mark series. I learned a lot from this week's edition and have used what I learned on almost a daily basis. That is our goal--to find some way to apply every verse of these studies to our daily lives and walk with the Lord.
This week I wrote:
10:16 -- Jesus sought to touch the children and bless them. He imparted a blessing through physical touch. I have heard that babies need touching. If they don't get it, they don't develop emotionally, even physically. If we are to be like children in the Kingdom, then we need touch as well. Do you touch (appropriately of course) your brothers and sisters in the Kingdom? Do you allow Jesus to touch you and impart a blessing? Why or why not?
I have to work on this, for my tendency is to stay within my private space, not venturing out or inviting anyone else in. What can you do to touch and impart a blessing to more people? What can you do to receive your blessing by the same means?
Feel free to add your insight or comments to this study on the site where it is posted at
Download this week's study: Mark Study 14.doc
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