The Lord had a set place where He would meet with the people and leaders on their journey to the Promised Land, which they simply referred to as the "tent of meeting."
The Lord said to Moses, “Now the day of your death is near. Call Joshua and present yourselves at the tent of meeting, where I will commission him.” So Moses and Joshua came and presented themselves at the tent of meeting. Then the Lord appeared at the tent in a pillar of cloud, and the cloud stood over the entrance to the tent (Deuteronomy 31:14-15).
It was a place where God would reveal Himself to them in an actual physical manifestation, in this instance a pillar of cloud.
Jesus seemed to have this kind of place called the Garden of Gethsemane where He went the night of His betrayal. It also seems that the desert wilderness in Matthew 4 was also such a place. After Jesus' Resurrection, He told the disciples to meet in Galilee, even though they were already assembled in Jerusalem. It was there that He gave them what we know to be the Great Commission to go to all the nations.
Sometimes, there is a special place that you also seem to find the Lord whenever you go there. It may be what some call a "prayer closet," a place in your home or office that is a dedicated place of prayer and worship for you. But it doesn't have to be a "holy" place. It may sound strange, but for me, it's live sports events or travel that seem to refresh me and serve as places where God reveals Himself to me.
For you, perhaps it's a museum, or travel, or the mountains, or the beach. It's important that you pay attention to where that place is and get there as often as you can. Have you ever given thought to where your "tent of meeting" is? Where is that special place for you? Keep in mind, it may not be a place, but an activity like writing poetry, reading certain kinds of books, study, or teaching. Just pay attention to where you are and what you're doing that produces a sense of joy and wonder, and you will have found a key to a productive life and thriving relationship with the God of your special place.
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